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Visit and Guest Talks from Dr Nick Bryan-Kinns and Mr Tim Morgan

发布日期:2016-01-29    作者:         点击:

Visit and Guest Talks from Dr Nick Bryan-Kinns and Mr Tim Morgan

14-17 December 2015

Dr Nick Bryan-Kinns and Mr Tim Morgan visited BUPT (Hongfu campus) between December 14 and 17 to give talks to

Year 2 and Year 3 students on the multimedia stream of the Joint Programme. They engaged in fruitful

discussions with students about their work. They also participated in the evaluation of students’

productions for the “Interactive Media Design and Production” module, during a student-led

poster conference. The students’ productions were evaluated against the following criteria: level of

interactivity, quality of the animations, usability, educational value, look and feel, and originality.

Reward certificates were given to groups of students who demonstrated the best work in each of these



Dr Bryan-Kinns is Reader in Interaction Design and Deputy Dean at Queen Mary, University of London, and Visiting

Professor of Interaction Design, Hunan University, China. He has published award winning international

papers on mutual engagement, cross-modal interaction, and tangible interfaces. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and in 1998

received his PhD in HCI.

Mr. Tim Morgan has a mixture of design skills from his time as a Designer as well as technical skills from

working as an Interactive Developer. He organised and managed the 2012 e-Ambassador

conference which brought together a mixture of students and tutors from eight institutions and has

presented at numerous e-Learning events, including the JISC e-Factor event (2012) and the M25

e-Learning Group (2012). Within the ‘Students as Producers’ project, he is working with academic

departments and students at Queen Mary, looking at the ways in which students can contribute to their

own learning and to that of their peers.

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