学术讲座:ExploringHTTP Header Manipulation by Middleboxes in-the-Wild
应bw必威西汉姆联官网的邀请,英国伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary, University of London)GarethTyson博士将为广大师生作题为《Exploring HTTP Header Manipulation by Middleboxes in-the-Wild》的学术报告。
讲座题目:Exploring HTTP Header Manipulation byMiddleboxes in-the-Wild
主讲人: Dr.Gareth Tyson——英国伦敦玛丽女王大学
时间: 2017年12月7日(周四)下午18:00--19:30
1. A brief tour through my research
2. Do Middleboxes tell us anything?
3. What does Hola give us?
4. Back to the HTTP Headers
5. Let’s look at the changes
6. Conclusion
GarethTyson博士,英国伦敦玛丽女王大学教授、伦敦大学的客座教授、剑桥计算机实验室客座研究员、以及必威西汉姆联入口中英联合培养项目的专职教师。研究兴趣主要是面向用户的网络系统,尤其在网络系统测量与设计、网络操作和社会媒体等领域做过大量工作。其研究成果受到众多新媒体的广泛关注,如MIT Tech Review, Washington Post, Slashdot, BBC, The Times, DailyMail, Wired, Science Daily, ArsTechnica, The Independent, Business Insider, TheRegister等等。Gareth Tyson博士目前是IEEE/ACMToN, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE ICDCS, IFIP Networking, ACM ICN, IEEE IWQoS,ICWSM, IEEE TNSM and IEEE TC等知名会议和期刊的审稿人、委员会成员。GarethTyson博士是伦敦玛丽女王大学主办的ACM DEV会议的区域主席,并荣获ICWSM'16最佳审稿人奖,同时也是ACMIMC'17的区域主席。
Brief introductionof this talk:
Headers are a critical partof HTTP, and it has been shown that theyare increasingly subject to middleboxmanipulation. Although this iswell known, little is understood about thegeneral regional andnetwork trends that underpin these manipulations.
In thispresentation, I willexplain how we collected data on thousands ofnetworks to understand how theyintercept HTTP headers in-thewild, as well as how frequently HTTP headers aremanipulated by middleboxes, and the distinct trends we observed acrossdifferentregions and Autonomous System types. For example, weobserved a high number ofweb caching headers in poorly connectedregions such as Africa. Finally, theseoccurrencesusing worldwide socio-economic datasets are explained in details.