
学术讲座:机器人技术 接近零人工干预

发布日期:2017-11-15    作者:         点击:

学术讲座:机器人技术 接近零人工干预

应bw必威西汉姆联官网院长、联合培养项目中方主任陈岩教授邀请,英国皇家工程院院士、英国工程技术学会(IET)会士、英国原子能管理局UKAEA主任、英国环境挑战远程应用新中心RACE负责人Dr Rob Buckingham教授将于2017年11月20日来北邮作学术报告。欢迎有兴趣的师生踊跃参与。

讲座题目:Robotics:Towards zero manual intervention

主讲人:Dr RobBuckingham 英国皇家工程院院士






内容摘要:UK strategy recognisesthe significance of robotics for challenging environments in order to providesafe, reliable and re-usable solutions. The talk will consider the potentialfor advanced AI techniques, including deep learning, in conjunction with increasinglycommoditised robot hardware to address common issues including inspection andremote maintenance interventions.

Two usescases will be explored:

1) Autonomous vehicles as a vanguard application of robotics which has thepotential to be the breakthrough technology;

2) Fusionoffers huge potential for large scale base load electricity supply. Researchshows that manual maintenance of a future fusion reactor is not credible. Thisleads to remote maintenance being both device defining and mission critical.RACE’s research has much wider cross sector impact, including space explorationand under water mining, all of which is being addressed under the RACEtechnology roadmap called ‘RACE to ZERO’.

主讲人简介:Dr Rob Buckingham is aDirector of the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the first Head of RACE,the UK’s new centre for Remote Applications in Challenging Environments. Robwas a lead author of the UK’s Robotics and Autonomous Systems Strategy. Beforejoining the UKAEA, Rob co-founded and was Managing Director of OC Roboticswhich developed and commercialised snake-arm robots. He is a Fellow of theRoyal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering andTechnology.




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