学术讲座:Evaluating Media and Arts Technologies
应bw必威西汉姆联官网邀请,英国玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary, University of London)尼克.布莱恩金斯(Nick Bryan-Kinns)教授将为广大师生作题为《Evaluating Media and Arts Technologies》的学术报告。
讲座题目:Evaluating Media and Arts Technologies
时间: 2017年4月17日(周一)晚上18:00-20:00
地点: 西土城校区教三楼 535教室
讲座内容:Interactive technologies for Media and Arts are often fun, creative, and engaging. However, it is very difficult to reliably evaluate these user experiences and how they were made. It is difficult, for example, to determine whether one user experience is more engaging than another. This talk presents methods and techniques that I and my research team have developed and tested for evaluating user experiences. To do this we design and build interactive systems which we hope are fun, creative, and engaging for users, and then rigorously test them in the lab and in the wild. For example, evaluating interactive art in public places, studying the creative engagement between fashion designers and computer scientists, and evaluating online interactive media experiences. This talk will present and discuss evaluation techniques that can be reliably used in these situations and show how Interaction Design can be informed by careful and rigorous evaluation of experience.
主讲人简介:尼克Ÿ布莱恩金斯教授是英国伦敦玛丽女王大学EPSRC+AHRC (Engineering Physical Science Research Council + Arts Humanities Research Council)媒体与艺术中心主任,长期致力于交互式设计方面的研究工作,该中心多年来为业届培养了大批优秀的博士毕业生。布莱恩金斯教授担任英国计算机协会(British Computer Society)委员等职务,在国际顶级期刊和会议上发表过多篇关于交互式设计(跨模态交互、双向参与和接触式界面)领域的文章。他的研究成果曾在New Scientist期刊和BBC媒体期刊上发表,并在伦敦自然科学博物馆展出。布莱恩金斯教授同时致力于科技成果的转化工作,并在英国皇家工程产业协会任职。他也是美国国家科学基金CreativeIT审批小组成员,并长期为欧盟的Creativity and ICT基金提供专家咨询。他担任ACM创意、感知科学和艺术协会主席,同时也是2010年ACM创意与感知科学大会和2006年BCS国际HCI大会主席。Bryan-Kinns博士被授予ACM and BCS Recognition突出贡献奖
Biography: Nick Bryan-Kinnsis a Reader in Interaction Design and Director of the EPSRC+AHRC Media and Arts Technology Centre for Doctoral Training at Queen Mary University of London. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and has published award winning international journal and conference papers on his funded research on Interaction Design (mutual engagement, cross-modal interaction, and tangible interfaces). His research is reported in publications such as the New Scientist, and media outlets such as BBC, and exhibited at venues such as the Science Museum, London. Bryan-Kinns held a Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Secondment in recognition of his work on commercialising academic research. He was a panel member for the USA’s National Science Foundation CreativeIT funding panel, and provided expert consultation for the European Commission’s funding of Creativity and ICT. He chairs the ACM Creativity, Cognition and Art Community, chaired the ACM Creativity and Cognition conference 2010, and the BCS international HCI conference 2006. Dr. Bryan-Kinns is a recipient of ACM and BCS Recognition of Service Awards.