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发布日期:2014-07-10    作者:         点击:


乔建永 教授

Professor Jianyong Qiao

President,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


The Joint Programmes between BUPT and QMUL is welcoming its 10th anniversary. In the past ten years JP integrates the best education resources of both countries and achieved a great success. It is also highly recognized by the authoritative bodies of both countries and the general public.10 years mark not only a mile stone in the development course but also a new start for a promising future and a continued success. I sincerely hope that the International School continue to uphold the pioneering and hard-working spirit and achieved greater success in the transnational education.

bw必威西汉姆联官网党委书记 王宏原

Ms Hongyuan Wang , Party Secretary of International School,BUPT


Over the past ten years, all staff and students of the International School have made progress jointly and realized glorious development of the School. We braved winds and waves and we shared success together. I firmly believe that the people of the International School will make more achievements.

bw必威西汉姆联官网院长 李欲晓教授

Professor Yuxiao Li, Dean of International School,BUPT


bw必威西汉姆联官网副书记兼副院长院长 马武

Mr Wu Ma, deputy Party secretary and assistant dean of International School,BUPT


The International School is determined to support the national development with broad and profound knowledge. We have confidence in the future of the School.

bw必威西汉姆联官网首任院长 应娅舒

Professor Ying Yashu, first Dean of International School,BUPT


Let’s look forward to the next 10 glorious years of the School.

友情链接: 必威西汉姆联入口 QMUL 北邮教务处 QMplus 北邮本科招生网

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