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发布日期:2014-07-10    作者:         点击:

Hello, everyone. This is Cindy.

I am very happy to be one of the membersworking on the Joint Program.

I would like to take this opportunity towish the Joint Program a happy 10thanniversary and bright future.


Well. Ten years of the Joint Program, then.I am very proud to have been involved in this program since 2006 and teachinglaw across disciplinary and cultural boundaries, which I find extremelychallenging and rewarding. The students that we get on this program really aregreat; they’re a joy to teach. On this tenth anniversary there are two groupsof people I would like to recognize. One is my colleagues, both at Queen MaryUniversity of London and at BUPT who have established, run, manage thisfantastic program; who market it and attract some wonderful students, and whoput up with an eccentric lawyer in the mix. You really are all great to workalongside, and I am very proud to call you colleagues. The other group ofpeople I’d like to pay tribute to are, of course, our alumni. Those who havesuccessfully completed the program and really your success is our success: wesucceed when you succeed and go out into the world into great careers, and longmay that continue. So Happy birthday to the Joint Program.

Happy 10thanniversary to the JointProgram.

I’m honoured and proud to be part of it.

I enjoyed to work with you in the last 7years.

And I have no doubt that the Joint Programwill continue to offer you excellent teaching in the future.

Hello, I am Marie-Luce Bourguet.

I’ll wish happy anniversary to the JointProgram and hope there would be many more.

Hi, everyone. I am Matthew Tang.

This is my first year in the Joint Program.

I was really impressed by students here.

They are hard working and very attentive inmy lectures.

I am happy to be teaching here and I amlooking forward to the next 10 years of the Joint Program.

See you soon.

Hello, my name is Michael.

I would like to congratulate all the staffwho are working in JP.

It has been 10 years’ great success in JP

So many congratulations and happyanniversary.

Hello, this is Miles.

Congratulations to everyone for asuccessful decade onwards and upwards.

Hi, I’m Paula Fonseca.

I’m very proud to be teaching for 10 yearsso far on what has become very successful Joint Program.

Here is hoping that continues going fromstrength to strength.

As the president principal of Queen MaryUniversity of London, I am delighted to be able to record this message tosupport of the celebration for the 10th anniversary of initiation of JointProgram with Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Queen Mary.We are convinced that education is a fundamentally and international activity. Knowledge knows no international boundaries. So it’s entirely appropriate we should joinwith prestigious universities in China to deliver a major educational program.This idea is based on very simple principles. And outline key principle is thatboth the Chinese high education system and British high education system haveessential features, important features to contribute to our joint endeavor.So bring together the best what Chinese university can offer and the British university can offer can indeed educate students to be truly global citizens inthe years ahead.

Another very simple principle of which ourJoint Program is based has been introduced I think quite a short of resultsover the 10 years which are just been in operation. If we look simply what our graduates do, they move on to very highly important jobs across the world andthey also move on to many cases, further education, postgraduate education insome of the leading universities across the world. So over the last year's graduating class, 60% went on the post education at some of the leading universities across several continents. We were very proud of that come. And we equally committed the following 10 years, the next 10 years wouldbe equally successful both of our two universities and most importantly for thestudents we jointly educated. Once again I am delighted to be taking apart in thiscelebration of 10 years our successful Joint Program. We look forward to many years to come.

Happy 10thanniversary, JP.

Wish you all the best.

As a wild initiate to this Joint Program, I’m very pleased to say this program run from the beginning to a very successfully ongoingprogram.

And I would like to say very successfuloperation.

Carry on.

Hello, I am Yasir Alfadhl.

I would like to congratulate the whole JPstudents and staff.

Andit certainly has been a very successful story of the best decade.

Well done all, and Happy 10thanniversary to the JP.

Hi, this is Song here.

Happy birthday, JP!

Hi, I’m Yue Chen.

I’m so proud to be part of the JointProgram for the past 10 years.

My best wishes to the Joint Program andvery happy 10thanniversary.

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