Hi, I am Aini. Happy 10 years’ anniversaryto International School.
I really miss the four years I spent there.
And I wish you have a brighter future.
Hello, everybody. I am Anqi He.
I am a PhD student in Queen Mary Universityof London.
I am so happy to celebrate the 10thanniversary of the International School in BUPT.
And I hope that our mother school will havea brighter future in the next 10 years.
Hello, my name is Zhao Dan.
I graduated from BUPT International Schoolin 2011.
I am now a 3rdyear PhD studentin Queen Mary University of London.
It has been 3 years since I have leftInternational School.
But I still remember the good time I hadand still benefit from all the things I learnt when I was in InternationalSchool.
I’d like to say: thank you and happy 10years’ birthday to our school.
And I wish all the students in our schoolhave a brighter future and have their dreams come true.
Hello, everyone. I am Dantong, the 2ndyear PhD student in Queen Mary University of London.
I graduated from the Joint Program in theyear of 2012.
And many many congratulations to our JointProgram for the 10 years’ anniversary.
I feel very proud to be part of it.
And it was a great experience for me duringmy undergraduate study in the International School.
And we’ll continue this part of our schooland wish all the best to our Joint Program.
Hi, I am Jingjing Zhao.
I graduated from the International Schoolof Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2013.
I am now a PhD student in Queen Mary University of London.
The 10thanniversary of theInternational School of BUPT is coming soon in June.
I want to give my sincere best wishes toour school here.
Wish our school can achieve a brighter andmore brilliant future.
Hello, everyone. This is Teng Jiang from University of Southampton.I graduated from JP in 2011.It has been 3 years since I graduated.How time flies!It’s a shame I cannot back to celebrate her10 years’ anniversary.So I give this video to express my bestwishes for all the managers, lectures and students in JP.Hope you all the best in the coming future.We know that now JP is one of the bestschools in BUPT.Andbased on this truth, I am sure in the next 10 years or 20 years, JP will becomeone of the best schools in China or even on earth.
Happy birthday.
Hi. Greetings from the UK.
I am Yihan.
I am Xinyue.
I am Xujing.
We are PhD students at Queen MaryUniversity of London.
Wish you be the best school ever.
Happy birthday.
This is the greetings from the UK.
I am Zhijin. I am Yuanwei. I am MA Yuan.
We are PhD candidates from Queen Mary.
We are here to convey our best wishes tothe Joint Program.
Happy10 years’ birthday!
Hi. I am Yun Li.
I graduated from International School ofBUPT 2007 to 2011.
Now I am a PhD student in Queen MaryUniversity of London.
Thanks for all the opportunities thatInternational School has provided me.
Happy birthday, International School.
Hi, I am Fang Zexi. I was a student of the JointProgram of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications andQueen Mary University of London from 2008 to 2012.
I am currently a PhD student at ImperialCollege of London.
The technical skills that I learnt anddeveloped there at the Joint Program helped a long way, even in the PhD that Iam currently pursuiting.
And this also served as an excellentnetworking platform.
And I made a lot of good friends there whomI am still in touch with.
So I am very happy that the Joint Programhas completed 10 years, successfully grown in inspiring engineers in the fieldof communications.
So happy birthday and best for the yearsahead.